Leaning On Your Practice
How Consistency Strengthens You
Leaning on Practice in Times of Need
All too often I hear people telling me that they come to the studio to practice when life is really hard, or when they need space or guidance, and that is awesome. I think it is so important to have outlets of solace when things are busy, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am that 3 Bridges Yoga is that space for so many.
But what if we only drank water when we were thirsty? What if we only breathed out when we had been holding our breath? What if we shifted our lens from one that is a bandaid to one that is a healing support in all times. One that we used to get stronger mentally and emotionally in times when things are going really well so that maybe we have less moments that pull us down and out?
I am certainly not suggesting that yoga is a cure all. But what I am suggesting is that yoga works a little bit better when we don’t just “use” them in times of need, rather, we allow it to be a safety blanket that is woven stronger each time we step on our mat so that perhaps we gain more tools to not have the low-lows.
Consistency is key with most things. When you start going to the gym, the weights don’t get lighter after a couple months of lifting them, YOU get stronger and you are able to do more than you could at the start.
Yoga is the same way. It doesn’t get easier, you get more flexible (both mentally and physically), and we (as cliche as it sounds) truly learn to bend a bit more so that we break a little less.
I can tell you all the things, share all the knowledge I have learned from books, from my own practice and from watching others. But try it for yourself. What happens when you go from practicing sporadically to weekly? Already practice once a week? Try for two or three times. And you be the judge. I would love to hear what happens.
Let’s practice together!